The leading meditation app on the Quest . i created a multitude of beautiful worlds to awaken your being in . Created in Unity
Autostereo displays

Branding for Domeshows and packaged into
a gallery for Steam
Consciousness Enhancing Applications
VR meditation modules , Energy work learning ,
Spiritual tech training
Level 2 - Real World Chambers loaded with healing tech
red light therapy - Pemf - Brain Stim/A.I interactions.
Immersive Live and Online Music Events
Live interactive experiences - audience participation,
play spaces , live club AR experiences, Online Club- concert applications
Game Experiences
The Arcanum - a fast paced gameplay that pits you against the forces of Evil.archonic elements that strive to prevent you from gaining mana points and Ascending to the next stage of being .
Real-time tool for Visual Performances
Ascension Chamber Protocols for Human Enhancement Activation
- (Reall World Chambers for Healing and Mind Expansion )
MODDING enabled for Live Events/ Projection Mapping .
Archery PVP /pro circuit
Multiple levels with a variety of styles of locomotion and maps . Setable parameters for a wide variety of game mechanics to sculpt your game to fit your mood
Enter the First Realm

VRARExR is in its nascent form and still it is showing us its power to immerse and create wonder in the User. We believe it will be one of the greatest tools for self discovery and accelerating human consciousness that humanity has witness since the creation of fire . We will help shape the development of this new reality by building tools and experiences that help the User create at the speed of thought and harmonize thier core essence so they can live a greater more fullfilled life .